Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam
You’ve probably already read some of my posts on this blog before. I have written a lot about this blog, my fellow pilgrims, and the pilgrimage in general; I have yet to share my story publicly though. I have shared this same story many times with trusted friends and adults, but this is my first time writing it all out, so here goes.
My name is Brandon Bain. I have gone to Catholic school all my life. I am a Junior at Strake Jesuit, and this is technically my fourteenth year of Catholic education. So, I have been surrounded by Catholic influences for as long as I can remember, and that is where my story begins.
I have wanted to be a priest for as long as I can remember. My first distinct memory of wanting to be a priest was in second grade. At my middle school, St. Laurence, when we were doing First Communion preparation, lots of kids would have said they wanted to be a priest. Our teacher, Mrs. Bauer, was simply very good at getting little kids to want to be priests. After second grade, I was one of the few kids who kept saying he wanted to be a priest. It never left me.

I had been leaning towards the priesthood until about a year ago when things became clear. That was when I basically knew it was not really a question anymore. There was not one moment that I heard a voice from Heaven, but about a year ago, I just had that feeling deep down saying, “Okay, you’re going to be a priest, that is decided. Now discern how to serve as a priest.” So for several months now, I have been strongly discerning which order/diocese to join and when. Not to mention, I’m constantly learning new things about the priest I would like to be. Right now I’m leaning towards joining the Jesuits in a year when I graduate. I see no reason to delay what I know in my heart God has called me toward; the Jesuits appeal to me because I want to work in a high school like I am at right now, teaching theology or being a chaplain. I love Jesus and I love kids. I want kids to love Jesus too.
This pilgrimage is an amazing opportunity. It is a dream come true. I don’t feel worthy of it, but God has put it before me, and I aim to experience His grace as much as He allows me during this pilgrimage. All for His greater Glory. Thank you to everyone who has supported our trip with donations and prayers. I legitimately cannot explain how much I appreciate it. This trip would literally not be possible without this support. I owe this opportunity to the generosity of many people. Please know I will be praying for all our benefactors.
I’d like to finish by thanking certain people whom I have yet to thank adequately but have supported me in my discernment at pivotal moments in my life. Some of my teachers from St. Laurence: Mrs. Bauer, Mrs. Rice, Mrs. Murat, Mrs. McLaughlin, Mr. Castillo, Mrs. Thompson, and Sister Anna Pauline. Here at Jesuit, I have been blessed with meeting amazing Jesuits who have constantly helped my discernment, especially, Mr. Fryer, Fr. Bravo, and Fr. Johnson. All of you have helped my discernment significantly and helped me grow closer to Christ. I cannot express my appreciation enough.
Pax Christi.
Have fun! :)