Friday, March 13, 2015

Travel Reflections: Austin

I am tired. I am really, really, tired. And I am the guy that goes to sleep at 9:30 every night because if I don't, it's bad news. So six hour time changes for me are just not the greatest. But there's more to it than that. Despite that exaustion and that dreariness, there's a joy that I can't shake off (nor do I want to). Its not just me either. I see it in my friends. I see it in Blaschke and Nick when we laugh about something dumb for five minutes right before passing out on tables and waiting area chairs. I see it in Brandon's stupid selfie stick (dont you DARE edit this Brandon) and Toan's enthusiasm for reading every Catholic Spirituality book on the planet before we land. I can't pin it down with words but there is a happiness and an energy and an excitement that transcends the physical hardship of a 16 hour travel period. I think it's because there's a self awareness here. Something that tells us "you are EXACTLY where you are supposed to be." And no matter how tired or beat up we may feel, thats a satisfaction that won't be taken away. 

And it feels great.

Thank God. -Austin

(Toan Cao, action shot)

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